Monday, October 20, 2008

The Coupon Bag Giveaway!

It’s finally here - The Coupon Bag giveaway.
I’d like to introduce you to my new etsy shop - ByFaith. Home of my original design: The Coupon Bag.

Tired of lugging your coupons in the store in that box or file, all the while getting those looks from the other customers and staff? Here’s your answer! I hand make each bag to hold a 4x6 file box with room for a wallet, diaper and/or checkbook. (Need a different size? I’ll custom design one for you!)

This giveaway is for one of the three bag designs in my etsy store.

How do you win one?

1. Go to my etsy store.
2. Decide which bag you like the best…
3. Leave me a comment here stating the item name of which bag you like the best (That’s the one you’ll win) and leaving a form of contact, so I can let you know you won.
4. Have a blog? Link to my giveaway and leave me an additional comment saying that you did. You’ll have an extra chance to win!

The email addresses that I receive for this giveaway will only be used to contact the winner.

This giveaway starts now and will end on Sunday, October 26 at 1:00 AM.

I'll announce the winner Sunday afternoon. The winner will be determined by random using You’ll have 2 days to contact me or I’ll randomly select another winner.

Don't forget - You'll have to name the specific bag you want to win from ByFaith.


seesawstar said...

Great idea w/ the coupon bag...! I love the new design that you added, but my favorite would be the pink posh bag. It's cute but muted, and I'm sure the colors will hold up against lots of dirt!

It's a great product and a great giveaway!

Jennifer said...

I love to mod polka dot bag! count me in for the giveaway! - Jennifer Walker

Happy Housewife said...

Moda poka dot is too cute. Great work and great idea.

Happy Housewife said...

I posted this on my blog.

great site for tips and savings

Debbie Maxwell Allen said...

Another vote for the Moda Polka Dot bag! Nice job.


Debbie said...

They are all so cute, but I'd say my favorite is the Pink Posh Coupon Bag. I love this bag and how can you go wrong with room for a diaper!!! Oftentimes I need to bring my little one shopping with me.
Debbie (dkalecki @ gmail dot com)

cvalentine said...

Please enter me for the mod polka dot coupon bag. My e-mail address is


kristen said...

*LOVE* your idea!! Please enter me for the Pink Posh. Thanks!

kristen said...

*LOVE* your idea! Please enter me in for the Pink Posh. Thanks!

phoward336 said...

Wow - these are so cute! I love the pink posh best!

Wendy said...

How cute! I love the Pink Posh. Thanks for the chance.

Amber said...

I Love the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag so so cute!

Amber said...

I blogged about your giveaway at

I really want that Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag


MamaFeelgood said...

The Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag is adorable. You can never go wrong with polka dots.

Teresa & Julie-Andi said...

Great idea! I love the Moda Pink Polka Dots & Blossoms. What a talent to sew and enjoy it. :) I wish I had more time... Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

Elissa said...

What a great idea! You have such darling fabrics, too. The Pink Posh is my favorite.

Danielle said...

totally great idea and beautiful product!! if i'm the winner i'd love the mod polka dot bag.

my name is danielle as well and i go by dani too. :)

going to make a post on my blog to link to this!

Megan said...

I like Pink Posh.
I was just at wal mart yesterday looking for a bag to carry my coupons in.
meg.marie.h (at) gmail (dot) com

cpullum said...

I like the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag!!!!

Chrissie a.k.a. HoneyB said...

This is soooo cute. I love the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag. May I enter your giveaway.

I have a private blog, but will be happy to post it in there. I'm new here from aol. All my friends are from aol too. Going to do it now.

You have a cute blog I will be back when it's not so late to read around.

Take care, Chrissie
if you email me your addy I will send you an invite to my blog

janetfaye said...

I like the Pink Posh Coupon Bag.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I blogged your giveaway:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

tigerchick said...

I love the idea of a coupon bag! I think all three are great, but I guess I'd pick Pink Posh.

MarieMc said...

What a great idea! I have been using coupons for years and tried mnay different envelopes and boxes. I love the blues and greens of the AMy Butler.

Unknown said...


I adore the Pink Posh Coupon Bag and have blogged about it this morning!

Please enter me into the contest!


Anonymous said...

Pink Posh! Pink Posh! Pink Posh! I would proudly carry this bag and tell everyone where they could buy one for themselves. Go tar-heels!


Jenny said...

The pink posh bag is adorable! What a great idea!

Janie said...

Hi Dani,
Just found your blog thru Heather's Heartfelt stitches. I certainly will add your blog to my favorites.

i just love to save money. Especially more so with this economy. Great tips !!
Love the coupon totes, my favorite is the pink posh bag, but they are all adorable!! have a great day, janie

Juanita said...

I love the pink posh! Put my name in for the giveaway!

Rachel said...

These are so great. My favorite is the Amy Butler Green Charm Coupon Bag. I'm new to the coupon thing and I still haven't found the perfect container so this would be great!

Kim said...

I love love love love love the moda polka dot. What talent!

Unknown said...

Well I love them all. But I think Pink Posh is my favorite. What a clever idea.

Unknown said...

Forgot to say that I did a shout out on my blog.

EMAW said...

Well sure I d love to have one of those adorable bags. Here is my email is how I can be reached.

Here is the link to my journal I posted the link to yours in .....

I would like the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag should I be lucky enough to win.

Brandi L said...

My favorite is the pink posh bag. This is a great idea!

Brandi L

Delores said...

Hi, I really like the polka dot one. This is a great idea!


Theresa said...

Pink Posh is my favorite! What a great idea! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

absolutely love the Pink Posh Coupon Bag :)

Unknown said...

Fantastic idea! I love the green Amy Butler fabric.

Miranda said...

what a great bag! Pink Posh has to be my favorite.

bleucowgirl at hotmail dot com

Kelly Dawn said...

yep I have to say Pink Posh is my favorite! :) count me in!


Kelly Dawn said...

I linked you on my blog :)

and I still want the pink posh bag :) It is just too too cute!

katie klein said...

Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms is my favorite. How cute. And you are right I always feel so awkward with my expandable coupon holder so what a great idea!


kamewh said...

What a great idea! My favorite is the Pink Posh Coupon Bag!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Crazy_in_MD said...

I really like the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag. It is SUPER cute.

Laura.m.hutchcroft (AT)

Jenn said...

I am SO happy that you are doing this!! Your bags are beautiful and I knew when I saw the original that they would be a hit!

I like the Moda Polka dot...seems to be a fav! :)

You might consider making a standard option one that holds a binder...lots of us are binder girls :)

Congrats to you!

diyod said...

Absolutely adorable bags! This could be just what I need to get me to consistently use coupons (I keep losing them in my purse or other bag).

I love the Pink Posh bag!

andrea v said...

You are right, I carry my diaper bag, purse and file with coupons. I like the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms.
vickers at comcast dot net

Unknown said...

I love the Amy Butler Green Charm bag- those colors are great! It would match many of my clothes! Thanks for having this giveaway- I hope I win!

Kara at

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

This is such an ingenious idea! My favorite is the one pictured here (Pink Posh)!

~ Jennifer

Robin said...

Those are beautiful! I would love to be entered to win the "pink Posh" one.

coupongeek said...


MoneySavingMom has her giveaway link up, where you can post any giveaways you are doing.

She has a lot of couponers at her site. :)


Unknown said...

I like the Amy Butler Green Charm bag. It's so cute! :-)
Please enter me for your giveaway.

BargainFun said...

I love the polka dot !

Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad said...

Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms is my favorite!.
Thanks for the chance...this is a great idea!

Our Family said...

Absolutely ADORABLE!!! I love the Mod Polka Dot bag...what a GREAT idea :)


pam said...

OMG, what a great idea! And beautiful too! My favorite is the Pink Posh Coupon Bag. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jessica-MomForHim said...

Wow, these look great! I like the Amy Butler Green Charm best, but I had a really hard time choosing!!

mom2nji said...

I love the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms one! Enter me please!

rebecca said...

I like the Pink Posh Coupon Bag. What a cute idea!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Carey said...

I love the Pink Posh bag! What a wonderful idea! You're going to make a fortune on those. Even if I don't win - after I get over the crushing blow - I will have to come back when I can afford to buy one! But I'd really rather win - so throw my name in the pot!

Jen B said...

My fav is Moda Polka Dot! Too cute!
Thanks for entering me!

Anonymous said...

Great Idea Love it!! You are so creative. I like the
Pink Posh Coupon Bag !:) Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Unknown said...

How cute! I LOVE the Pink Posh Coupon Bag.


* said...

Oh my goodness what a fabulous idea! I love the Amy Butler green bag! It is adorable and I WANT IT!

bicerebral said...

What a great idea, I love the Moda Pola Dot - it leans toward the comtemporary.

Lori said...

Love it! My fav is Moda Polka Dot. Thanks for the chance to win =)

* said...

Oops! I was supposed to tell you this when I commented earlier, but I posted about your giveaway on my blog! Thanks!

slmpetersen said...

This is a great little bag! So cute! I love the Amy Butler green charm bag! Bright fun colors to chase away the winter dull drums that will soon be upon us.

Lindy said...

My favorite is the Pink Posh coupon bag! I loved it when you posted it awhile back. Hope I win. :)

I also posted your giveaway on my blog.

email address is:

MoreTimeThanMoney said...

The Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms bag is adorable! Great fabric combo and fabulous idea on the coupon bag!

Chrissy said...

I love the Pink Posh Coupon Bag- it's so cute. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Amy Butler Green Charm Coupon Bag. I'll be praying on this giveaway, I could really use this!

Unknown said...

Such a cute idea!!!! I love the bag in moda polka dot & blossoms. Thanks!

Unknown said...

i blogged here:


Tanisa said...

I learned of your site thru Ms. Joy @ DSS! All of your designer originals are winners but pink posh is my favorite! Please enter me into the giveaway! Thanks!!!

Have a blessed day and a better tomorrow!!

Becky W said...

love the pink posh bag!! This is great! I can't wait to look around some more on your blog!

Tanisa said...

I was so excited I forgot to leave my contact info in case I win!!

Thanks again!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this idea! I always feel like people are staring and judging me when I walk around with my big green binder!

I love the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag!

Miss Mommy said...

I love the Pink Posh coupon bag!! You have a wonderful idea!! What a jazzy way of carrying coupons around!!

Thanks for the chance!

Alana Jo said...

Great idea!!1

Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag

TJ said...

AMAZING job! I love the pink posh :)

joneswifey987 at yahoo dot com

brittlynn44 said...

I can't believe this! Your bag is so neat! I really love the pink posh bag.

adavenport said...

I love the amy parker green. Those are my colors. I think this product is fabulous. I've just started couponing and am quickly outgrowing my plastic target coupn holders. Please pick me.

brittlynn44 said...

I posted your giveaway on mu blog...forgot to leave my email the first time sorry.

brittlynn44 at yahoo dot com

Wendy said...

What a great bag.....I LOVE the Pink Posh Coupon Bag....And it is perfect that I can fit the wallet and a diaper in it...Gave up the diaper bag and so I throw a diaper in my purse....LOL so much more stylish and the bag is perfect, it matches my wallet.....I will be back with a link to my blog post..
basilwendy (at) yahoo (dot) com

Wendy said...

I posted on my blog about your contest....Hope you get lots of business...

Davenports said...

I rarely win these, but thought I'd try! Please enter me.

Mod polka dot bag

Wings89 said...

I love the mod polka dot bag too! I am just starting to do the whole coupon thing and would love to win this to help keep me organized. i have been telling all my friends and family about this. Very good job on the coupon bags.

ndc606 said...

I love the mod polka dot bag for the giveaway!!! Nikki (

The Book Lady Online said...

These are the most adorable coupon accessories I've ever seen. So cute. I especially like Amy Butler Green Charm Coupon Bag.

Sharon said...

I am IN love with the polka dot- mod polka dot with blossoms bag. I have created my blog and will be posting the link on my site soon.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

What a terrific idea! I like how they have a place to keep the coupons you are using that day. I like the Amy Butler green :)

Off to blog about these wonderful bags....

PJ and Rachell said...

What a great idea! I love the Pink Posh :)
Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Jerri said...

What a great, stylish way to carry your coupons! I love the Moda polka dot design...count me in for the drawing!

Jerri said...

I posted about this on my blog...

Thanks again for the giveaway!

amylouwhosews said...

Way to go Dani! I love these bags - they are so cute. I'm getting my etsy shop open this week too. I don't have a ton of things to put up, but I figure something is better than nothing!

Stephanie said...

This is such a fantastic idea. They are so adorable. My fav is the pink posh one. Congrats on the new etsy business I am sure it will be a big hit.

Stephanie said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog so go check it out.

Diane said...

I LOVE the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms!! Too cute! It was a tough decision between that one and the Amy green. I have posted about the giveaway on my blog as well!

House Queen said...

How cute and ingenious! I love the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag! I would love to win this!

nicki72182 said...

I think these coupon bags are such a great idea. I loved all of the patterns but the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms bag was my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Lindsay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lindsay said...

I am posting this on my blog as I type this!

Lindsay said...

What an awesome idea! My coupons always get crushed and spill out all over my purse (my coupon organizer is stuffed so I can't close it!) Would love one of these!!!

Thanks for the generous giveway!

Edited: They are all gorgeous but my absolute favorite is the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag ! :)

Ginny said...

That is such a great idea, I absolutely LOVE it! My favorite is Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms

Ginny said...

I blogged ~

bsadams said...

This bag is awesome, exactly what I need! You did a great job!! Please enter me, Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms is my favorite
sharon...thanks so much

bsadams said...

This bag is awesome, exactly what I need! You did a great job!! Please enter me, Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms is my favorite
sharon...thanks so much

Mom said...

Oh this is absolutely adorable! I love them all, but my favorite is the Pink Posh. Please enter me for a chance to win it.

Mom said...

I have also linked to it on my blog.

Unknown said...

Wow it's hard to pick. They are all great fabrics and nice design on the bag. I like the Amy Butler Green Charm coupon bag the best :)

Becca said...

I love the pink posh bag. I just got started doing coupons to try to save some money, and this would be a HUGE help! I love these designs.

AshleyOk said...

That's a great idea. I love the Moda Polka Dot bag! So adorable.

Amanda said...

I love me some polka dots. The moda polka dot is just adorable. This is an awesome idea. whoda thunk?!

Amy said...

Very cute idea! I love the coupon bag and my favorite design is the Pink Posh. :)

Rachel said...

I think they're all really cute! I like the Moda Polka Dot the best.

Unknown said...

I love the posh bag! It has been my recent favorite collection :) Your design looks great! Thanks for sharing

airidane said...

I like them all but I think I like the posh one best. You are great.

Jessi said...

I love the pink posh coupon bag. I recently started clipping coupons everywhere I can to help financially. I could use a little assistance in the organization area. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Nanci said...

I am thinking Pink Posh. It is so cute. Thanks for the giveaway.

Debbie said...

I just love the moda polka dots!!

coupongeek said...


Hi sweetie! Here are two more giveaway round-up links for you. I'd email them to you, but I don't see a contact info link on your blog.


Penny said...

Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms -- absolutely. Been looking for a solution and not wanting to use a binder!

Penny said...

Blogged about the giveaway here Live, Learn, Laugh and get Luvs

Juanita said...

I also linked your giveaway to my site. Thanks again

Laura C said...

Polka dots polka dots polka dots! And it's brown, so it'll hide some dirt because this bag will get LOTS of use. What a great giveaway - thank you!

nancijin said...

I like the pink posh and this is a great idea thank you for the giveaway

~Janet~ said...

What an awesome idea! I love the pink posh bag - too cute! My email is sizelove36867 (at) bellsouth (dot) net

Bittersweet Memories said...

NEAT IDEA! Just so happens I've been trying to get organized and have been toying with using index cards as my system (aka 43 folders)- and viola! There's a neat carrying bag that would house the cards!! I would choose the Pink Posh all the way!!

(Fingers are crossed!) LOL

Crista said...

Oh these are neat! I love the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms one!

Anonymous said...

Love the polka dot and blossoms bag!
my pink toes

mommyjen99 said...

Super neat idea!
My favorite is the Amy Butler Green Charm Coupon Bag.

Amy said...

I love all of them! But my favorite is the Pink Posh. I will be adding a link to this blog today!

Amy (

Deane said...

I love the Pink Posh. What a wonderful and creative idea!

Wishing you lots of success in your new venture!

deane_williams at sbcglobal dot net

Kim said...

Cute bag! I'm using a homemade tote now but it doesn't close and I just know the day will come when all the coupons go flying out of the bag in the middle of the grocery store.

Idaho Jill said...

Very cute-I love the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag and would love to win it, thanks! My email is in the clickthru to my blog...

Kimmie said...

I love it! What a great idea! I would choose the pink posh bag, for sure. Thanks for the giveaway...
Kimmie in Fort Worth

Charlene said...

I love the blue & green one! Just what I need, too, my little wallet sized accordian is stuffed and won't stay closed any more!

Susan said...

These purses are adorable. I hope I win! Susan Greene

Katie said...

I think I've got to go with the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag, like many others. It matches perfectly with my kitchen colors! The bag is such a great idea! Thanks for the giveaway!

Shannon Nora said...

What a wonderful idea! My favorite is the Pink Posh.


Debbie J said...

I can't choose because they are all so cute! Please enter me in the drawing and if by some miracle I did win, I'd be glad to have any one of them! Thanks!

Unknown said...

oooo need need need this pl

creativeboarder said...

I like the Pink Posh. Great idea for coupon organization!!!

creativeboarder said...

I like the Pink Posh bag. I've been trying to figure out the best way to keep up with my coupons. Thanks!!!

Unknown said...

This bag is a great idea! I would like to enter to win the Moda polka dot and blossoms one. Thanks!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I am a very good coupon shopper so I would put this little bag to good use. I'd love to win the Moda polka dot bag!

Heather said...

I NEED this! The pink posh is my fav!!! I seriously thought about having my mom make me something up but now I can just win one!!!!

Heather said...

Blogged this!!

Kiki said...

I have to say that the moda polka dot one caught my eye. Count me in!

Be Thou Exalted said...

I like the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag. Great job you have quite a talent.

Anonymous said...

Definitely the Amy Butler green charm! IT's so cute!

kelly said...

I love the pink posh coupon bag. This is such a great idea & cute.

kelly said...

I like the pink posh bag. i posted about your giveaway on my blog

Anonymous said...

I like the pink posh bag.

Mommy Managing said...

I LOVE the polka dot!


Christy said...

Awesome idea! I love the Moda Polka Dot and blossom bag.

My email is:

Or leave a comment on my blog!

Christy said...

I just blogged about this give away here:

Katy said...

What a great idea!!! I love it! I like the Amy Butler Green Charm Coupon Bag the best...although all three are super cute! Thank you for the chance! :)

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea...

Any interest in selling the pattern so I can make one for Christmas for my mom?? just a thought! I love the Moda Poka dot.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add my email addy:

Thanks so much for your generosity


Penny Pinchin' Mama said...

The Green Charm bag is amazing! (As are the other two)

I've only *really* gotten into coupons lately and that bag would be SO much better than the top of the microwave LOL.

Jennah said...

Definitely the Pink Posh coupon bag... What a smarty you are.. Great design!

hannicah said...

pink posh please!

Penny Pinchin' Mama said...

I mentioned your giveaway in my latest blog!

*~Dani~* said...

Great idea! I love the moda polka dot and blossoms design. Never heard of a coupon bag - brilliant!

Jen @ said...

What a great invention! I think my favorite is the pink posh coupon bag. I would love to be entered into your drawing! Thanks!

VivC said...

I'm in for the Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag. It is adorable, and you are so talented!

You can reach me at

Coupon Queen said...

Moda Polka Dot and Blossoms Coupon Bag

I love this pag! You have come up with an amazing way to make my coupon box not look so stupid in the stores!
